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Making Creative Technology

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Making Creative and Useful Things

Makers guild is an amazing online space where people can learn to live a creative and satisfying life

I help creative people who want to move into a more satisfying and higher paying career gain the technical skills, confidence in them selves and more time to do that.

I Help:

  • ​Makers & Technologists:  Electronics, 3D printing, AI, VR, Animation, Coding, Gaming.
  • ArtistsCreatives who want to use tech in their useful projects.
  • ​GardenersPeople who love homesteading and growing things.

Have more confidence, time, money and increase your satisfaction.

Hi, I Am Jaime Schmidt

Founder of Makers Guild

I love to make creative things with technology, Electronics, VR, 3D Printing, Animation, Coding, AI. I'm going to explore it all. If you'd like to join me read more.

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